Web Design and Development

A website acts as an online storefront for your business. Developing a modern, user-friendly website not only captures attention but also helps convert web visitors into leads. Intuitive design and faster loading speeds contribute directly to SEO, ensuring your business has the best chance to perform well in search results. At TradeBoost Media, our web design services help our clients elevate their brands and outshine competitors.

Our Web Design Process

At TradeBoost Media, we offer a streamlined approach to web design. Our strategy reduces costs and ensures the timely delivery of your new website. Let’s explore our process for building world-class websites for home and commercial services businesses:

Client Consultation
We start all web design projects with a client consultation. Our team will assess your existing website and branding and offer suggestions on how it can be improved. This is the perfect time to ask questions about our web design process and content management systems (CMSs).
Select a Template
After an initial consultation, it’s time to select a template from our range of options. We use various custom WordPress templates designed for home and commercial service businesses. By using SEO-focused templates, we ensure your business’s new website has the resources it needs to improve its domain authority and page ranking.
Implement Customizations
Our developers will implement requested customisations, such as company logos, colour schemes, service pages, contact forms, and more. Our developers will ensure the new website meets all your required specifications.
Create SEO-Focused Content
Lastly, it’s time to create SEO-focused content to attract web visitors and improve your page ranking. We’ll ensure your website has information about your business and its services — and we’ll start a blog to generate useful content about your industry.

Benefits of Upgrading Your Website

The benefits of upgrading your website are endless! Let’s explore some of the top reasons your business should invest in a new website as soon as possible:

Enhanced User Experience
Improved websites provide an enhanced user experience for your online visitors. At TradeBoost Media, our websites offer fast page speeds and intuitive interfaces. This makes it simple for web visitors to find the information they're looking for, including details about your services and contact information. Don’t miss out on customers because of an outdated website!
Improved Credibility
Evidence suggests 75% of individuals judge a business’s credibility based on its website. An outdated or unprofessional website may be harming your business’s ability to convert customers. When you have a modern, professional website with valuable information, strong branding, and clear contact details, your business will find it much easier to generate leads.
Quicker Access to Leads
Not only does a modern website make it easier to generate more leads, but it also simplifies the process of contacting potential customers. With contact forms, quote pages, and other lead-generation tools, your business can gain instant access to customer information. At TradeBoost Media, we design functional websites that offer immediate access to qualified leads.
Better Page Ranking
Last but not least, an upgraded website results in better page ranking on search engine results. Search engines use page speed, bounce rate, and other metrics to determine the top-ranked pages. If your business has a slow website with poor user experience, it won’t rank highly. A sleek, well-performing website is one of the cornerstones of a strong SEO strategy!

WordPress: Our Content Management System

At TradeBoost Media, we use WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system (CMS), to develop our websites. WordPress is an open-source CMS with a range of purpose-built SEO tools. It offers easy content optimization, meta tag customization, and responsive design, helping websites rank higher in search results. If you want Google and other search engines to index your website, WordPress is a powerful foundation!

No Long-Term Contracts!

Unlike other digital marketing agencies, we don’t make our clients sign long-term contracts at TradeBoost Media. While our month-to-month SEO packages help our clients improve their page ranking and lead generation, we don’t require any ongoing commitments. You’re free to cancel our services at any time!

Ready for More Leads?

Call today for your free consultation and SEO audit! We'll outline a comprehensive strategy for improving your lead generation!

It's time to grow your business!